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one mistake after another

**today was full of mistakes. the first one... getting out of bed this morning. i live in roswell, new mexico (yes, a shithole.) and i have this business trip i needed to go shopping for, so i asked my mom yesterday if she wanted to go to lubbock (texas). shes like, yeah, sure. call me. so we went.
**this brings me to mistake number two... leaving home in a snowstorm. snow was melted by rain by the time we got back.
mistake 3, electing to ride in the car with my mother for six hours (three each way). so anyway, i hate shopping for clothes. big mistake there. i -had- to though. regardless, the sales ladies were very helpful, except when they brought me this skirt that i just -had- to try on.
**heres mistake 4. i put the damn thing on, i looked pretty good in it except one thing. i dont wear clothes that show my legs, at all. i already own two skirts but they both drag the floor. so... i put this skirt on and it hits just below my knees. they practically forced me to come out of the damn dressing room and show them. so i did... and i freaked out, like a weenie. i felt like i was standing there naked with all these people staring at me. and they kept talking about how "nice" i looked and they were blocking the damn dressing room, and i was freaking out and i started crying because i was scared, i felt naked. for YEARS ive never dressed like that. no swimsuits, no shorts, no stupid ass capris, no "short" skirts... i wear pants. hell, i even wear long sleeves in the summer. im a modest dresser. tasteful clothing. so here i am crying in the damn store and theyre all trying to comfort me and shit. except... i still cant get to the dressing room so i find the next best thing, a trench coat. much better. no legs. finally though, i found a nice suit, after three hours in this damn place.
**mistake five coming up! we went to my aunts house and then out to dinner, i forgot my purse at her place so we had to go all the way back to the other side of lubbock to get it... then we ran into road construction.
**low and behold, mistake number six. i got us lost. i couldnt find the way out of there, with it misting and i was still upset over the whole skirt thing, and then the construction, but we finally made it out alive.
**it was so nice to get home, to be safe and warm in my own house. at least i found something to wear for this business trip in december. NOT a skirt. :P

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