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i did something within the last 24 hours that goes against everything i stand for. immoral. unethical. wrong. will anyone be hurt by it? no. but it still wasnt the right thing to do. do i feel bad? hell yes. would i do it again? its possible, but id think really hard about it before doing it again. thing is, probably everyone has done it or thought about doing it. sometimes people get hurt. sometimes they dont. what i did wont hurt anyone but that doesnt make me feel any better about it. i feel crappy. sad that doing something morally wrong has benefitted several people. is it still wrong if its for the greater good? everyone involved benefits. and anyone who asks what i did isnt going to get an answer. i just felt like i needed to get it out.


Nic, tis not a perfect world that we live in. Whatever is was that you did, was it morally wrong to you, or to society as a whole? Because if you are ok with it and it wasn't illegal... What the rest of the world thinks doesn't really matter now does it?

what i did wasnt illegal and probably woul dhave been 'ok' with the general population. it was wrong to me. it may not matter to others but it does to me. i still think i probably shouldnt have done it. regardless... no one got hurt and all parties benefitted. i guess that makes it ok? i still battle with this.

Well Nic, we often hold ourselves to a higher standard than we do others, but it is ok to forgive ourselves as well. You are a smart, capable young woman, don't beat yourself up over this.

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