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Moral dilemma or moral decay?

As I sit here writing this, I’m wondering whether or not I should. While this particular situation is no business of my own, I can’t help but think that maybe I actually have a few points worth pondering. I’m sure all of you reading this know enough about me to realize that I don’t really care what other people think and they can say what they want about me. I have better things to do than worry about how a particular person feels about me. So anyway, on with the topic -- for right now we’ll leave this as a ‘hypothetical situation’ - it’s probably best that way.
*You guys all know that I own a website, I’m sure of this because you’re on it right now. Let’s say that one day I feel like getting up and walking away from it for awhile (which I have been known to do). What is my responsibility to the people who come to this website? Should I tell people where I’ve gone or when I plan on returning? What if I don’t want to come back at all? What if one day I finally got so fed up with running this website that I just didn’t want to do it anymore? And, what if I just wanted to let it sit dormant, I didn’t want to sell it off to someone, but I wasn’t sure that I wanted to give it up completely? There are too many what-ifs. But here are my thoughts on those questions:
*What is my responsibility to the people who come to this website? I think that the minute I get up and walk away from my computer, my moral obligations end there. This website is for me, not you. Get hurt about that if you will, but most websites I know start out (this one is a perfect example) because the owner wants it, not because there is a demand. Like this one, some websites are for entertainment purposes. I made this one so we could put funny things up to share with others, but mostly it was a place of my own, where my rules apply even to me, where others could get together and have fun. Naughtycloset spawned from a chatroom! Some sites provide help – like 247fixes, but I know in my heart of hearts that therock didn’t start it simply because there was a demand. He wanted to make a difference, to help others, I think he did it for him – not for me, and probably not for you either. I could be wrong, but that’s just an example. I did, however, talk to him about it and he said, “(he) wanted (his) own malware removal forum which he had full control over it. No politics crap, and so there’s a place for users to post and not wait years to get help.”
*Should I tell people where I’ve gone or when I plan on returning? It’s only your business if I make it your business. You are not my spouse, significant other, child, or parent. I don’t have any obligations to you other than to be your friend. And then, if you truly are my friend, if I leave, you can rest assured there is some way to get in touch with me - IF I want to be found. Mostly the people that need to know where I am already know, anyone else can either ask them or wait until I come back. You do NOT own me.
What if I don’t want to come back at all? We all have choices. I choose to own this site, you choose to visit it. There may be a day in the future (though not the near future) that I might want to give up this site. If and when that day comes, it will be my choice and very few people or situations could get me to change my mind if it comes down to that.
*What if I just wanted to let it sit dormant, I didn’t want to sell it off to someone, but I wasn’t sure that I wanted to give it up completely? That’s a dilemma that only I could answer. The closet is an extension of me as a person and I don’t think it would be the same if I left and gave it over to someone else. I don’t make any money off this site, though I have received a couple of donations (Thanks! You know who you are.). The intent of this site was not to make money; I doubt it ever will be. That’s something I battle with though, regarding the future of the closet. What if one day I got tired of maintaining it, but I wasn’t quite sure I was ready to let go? Who knows what will happen?
*So this brings me to why I made this post in the first place. If you’ve made it this far, you at least deserve to know that much. I have noticed in several places where people are talking about the so-called ‘disappearing acts’ of a mutual friend. This friend owns his own website. He has walked away from it more than once for reasons known only to him. It isn’t our business to know why, nor should we make it our business. Granted, he has a much greater ‘following’ than I do, but I can’t help but defend him. Regardless, the website is his to do with as he pleases. Some people cannot seem to let go of the fact that they do not own him and that he doesn’t have to answer to their every beck and call. Personally, I would like to see him left alone. What more can I say other than it is his life and it is NOT our responsibility to know where he is every minute of the day. I can’t say I blame him for going missing. If I had people hounding me incessantly I would probably take off too. He should NOT be hunted like an animal. He should NOT have to account for his every move. He deserves to have a private personal life just like the rest of us. And people should leave him be for awhile. Perhaps if he wasn’t being harassed so much he wouldn’t feel the need to take off. I mean, seriously, if I decided to take a break for a couple of weeks, I wouldn’t want people calling the POLICE on me. I’m glad no one obsesses about me that much. So, here’s to you, wherever you are. I hope everything is ok and I’ll see you when you get back.


Sin, I agree with you. A lot of people were making a huge fuss about it, but I don't think the police were really necessary. I don't know enough about this situation, but I can relate my disappearance to it...I know that I haven't really talked seen much of #lg or #nc in the last 3-4 months, and yet no one's called the cops on me. I wonder if I should be disappointed that no one cares as much about me, or just console myself knowing that I have at least one person who lets you guys know how I'm doing...not to mention my blog which I've been updating once in a while too. But ya. I agree when you say that he deserves his private life. I wouldn't want people trying to barge into mine like that either. Kudos

thanks for the comment, Gnimsh. thing is, both you and mike have very good reasons to not be online. you both have lives. yes, gimpi does still talk to you and lets us know of anything important that's going on (i hear you have something big happening, but gimpi wont tell me what it is.) and if there was something seriously wrong, you'd let him or someone else know -- if you thought we needed to. with mike, i think maybe he feels the same way. there are things that some people dont want to share or talk about and thats their right. everyone has a right to privacy. no one 'owes' it to us to tell them everything that is going on in our personal lives, nor should we expect them to.

Thank you for this site. I am battling with sexual addictions, lying, and many moral sicknesses. Can you help me? I am out of my own control and have lost my way. My life is in moral decay. I have lost love ones because I drive them away. I am out of control. I even got my ex-lover's brother to come a fix my broken bed, which I now know was an abomination. I am supposed to be a clown that makes people smile but my behavior is so foul that it only shuns the people I love away.

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