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here kitty kitty kitty!

i went over to my friend monica's house this afternoon. we hung out and made some cookies. we were talking about the fact that me, my mother, and my grandmother's house all seem to have at least one mouse trying to move in and live here. BLEH!! i love little mouses and guinea pigs and stuff, but i do not want a non-pet rodent living in my house! so i was telling her about it and said something along the lines of "i really need a cat." right then, her mom called. monica's mom, stepdad (ron) and brother (nathan, who's an old friend of mine) have an office just below ours in the same building. apparently her mom and ron found a little kitten, about 4-6 months old, curled up in a corner of the corridor leading into our building. it was cold and hungry, shivering. they thought it was dead. so monica and i took some food and a cardboard box with a trashbag over it and some litter up to the office. the kitty and i bonded. monica couldnt take her because she's already got 2 dogs and five cats and is about to get another dog (maybe)... monica's mom and ron couldnt take her because they already have some large cats that would eat her alive. nathan couldnt take her because his landlord doesnt allow pets. so nathan and i went to walmart and got a carrier and some other supplies. we'll see how she bonds with the dogs. kittie has already warmed to her, but she's still scared. pickles and bobo... im not too sure about yet.

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