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nailed to the cross (oh shit, i bet someone said that before, i probably should cite it)

**I called my instructor this morning. as predicted, I was accused of plagiarism. there's nothing I can do about it. I received a zero for the paper but will not be expelled from the university. I can't help but be extremely pissed off and sick at my stomach. it was a goddamned accident. I didn't intentionally misrepresent information. Following is the quote I am accused of plagiarizing:
**The EULA for Napster includes: 1) The Software contains and/or embodies copyrighted material, trade secrets, patented (and/or patent pending) inventions and/or other proprietary material and intellectual property of Napster and/or its licensors. All title and ownership rights in the Software remain with Napster and its licensors, as applicable; and 2) In addition to those prohibitions contained elsewhere herein, you agree you will not: rent, lease, loan, sell, copy, or distribute the Software in whole or in part.
**while the text implies that it is a quote, it does not 1) have quotation marks around it, or 2) have a citation listed in the references section. I'm sorry but out of a 13 page paper, a MINUTE mistake like this is easy for MOST people to overlook. BTW, if you want to know where I got that quote from, you can look in the EULA for Napster.

**And yet another email, after I called him:
I am sure that you're mistake was not intentional and that you will not let it happen again. I really felt bad because you are a very good student. However, I have taken a zero tolerance policy regarding plagiarism, and several other students this semester have been similarly penalized. You can be confident that as far as I am concerned the incident is behind us.

**how about that to start your day? getting fucked over by an instructor first thing in the morning. on a weekend. while i SHOULD be studying for finals. *sigh*


That does suck nic... sorry to hear that.

Damn, what a bastard. I can see if you copied half a paper from someone, but one quote? Jeez, I've had zero-tolerance professors look past stuff like that all the time. Even told you he knew it was unintentional.

Sorry, Nic. Wish it hadn't happened to ya, but I'm glad you'll still be able to complete your degree.

Heh. That's really a bit TOO picky, if you ask me... and I'm a bitch when it comes to grading papers. I'd like to see your instructor's Master's thesis,... and tear it apart. *grins*

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