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Stupid Papers

**if anyone can think of a topic i can write a ten page paper on for my business law class, please let me know!
**on another note, i dropped the stupid econ class!


I have a couple ideas for you on bussiness law...

1. Intelectual propertey rights regarding net radio broadcast and royalties. The DCMA is the only law which mentions anything about it and there are many new discusions on that one. A stop off at the RIAA, ASCAP, BMI, Sound Exchange, The US Copyright Office and Boycott-RIAA sites would get you enough material to easily fill ten pages with out so much as a single trip to the library.

2. The totally toothless CAN SPAM law and its impact on bussiness. (Did you know that the average bussiness is now just about 50.00 per year per user on deling with spam.)

I have been frequenting the law library at my uni regarding both of these topics. I also have gobs of linkage if you desire. Ten pages would be a snap. Likely in a week or so you will even find some stuff on my site reagaridng them.

Isn't college fun?

10 pages? hrmmmm. You could write about truth in advertising and deceptive business practices. As well as, the consumer's possible lines of recourse and were they can seek assistance.

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