[21:22] * hellsbells has returned from good night, and good luck, i was gone for 19hrs 56mins 21secs
[21:22] * hellsbells is now known as sin
[21:22] <Astraeus> blblblblblbl
[21:22] <sin> Astraeus, why do you always do that?
[21:22] <Astraeus> why not?
[21:23] <sin> Astraeus, because i think you hate me.
[21:23] <sin> Astraeus, do you hate me?
[21:23] <Astraeus> I would have to say yes
[21:23] <sin> asshat.
[21:23] <CCMike> lol
[21:23] <therock247uk> !
[21:23] <Astraeus> !!!