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you will never be forgotten.
I love you Jen
Wow. I just got the email. I'm so sorry and even though I haven't been on IRC for a while I still remember how Nic was in the chat rooms. Rest in peace, you were great.
Just heard about it myself as well. I remember when Nic started talking about making this community. That was years ago... even I fell out of the loop. I'm glad to see it is still around and hope to see it go on as one of her offspring. Nic, you are missed. Even if I was a PITA to you sometimes.
Just heard about this, not been around for a while or on irc. Very saddened to hear this news

Oh my sorry to hear about Nic....we used to cut up on IRC.

You will be missed and our community will always have a piece of you in us.

Rest in Peace my friend.
Jenn, I know that you liked this poem, so I will put it here and think of you whenever I read it. Good-bye my friend. I miss you so much.


And if I go,
while you're still here...
Know that I live on,
vibrating to a different measure
--behind a thin veil you cannot see through.
You will not see me,
so you must have faith.
I wait for the time when we can soar together again,
--both aware of each other.
Until then, live your life to its fullest.
And when you need me,
Just whisper my name in your heart,
...I will be there.

Copyright ©1987, Colleen Corah Hitchcock
Jenn I miss and love you so much. You are in my heart always baby.
I can't say good bye nic, and I won't. See you on the otherside.. you better be there Lady, you promised hehe I love you nic. Take care of everyone there now, as you did for us all here.
I don't know what to say except that you will be missed...

You touched so many lives.
Sure wish I knew what happened to the old gang. Psykel, maxnmike, njustice, puppeto - where has everyone gone? I sure hope life is treating all of you well, and that our Jen is watching over you.

I miss you, woman. My God. The hole you left behind in our hearts will never heal - and could not be filled by anyone else.
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